Life of Christ

Lesson Plan 17:
Jesus Starts His Campaign in Galilee
The Life of Christ 1: Pages 144-148, 159-174

Lesson Plan 16:
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
The Life of Christ 1: Pages 141-144

Lesson Plan 15:
Teaching Nicodemus and Jesus’ First Ministry in Judea
The Life of Christ 1: Pages 129-141

Lesson Plan 14:
The First Passover of Jesus’ Ministry:
The Life of Christ 1: Pages 127-129

Lesson Plan 13:
His First Disciples and His First Miracle:
The Life of Christ 1: Pages 115-123

Lesson Plan 12:
Jesus’ Temptation in the Wilderness:
Deeper Study

Lesson Plan 11:
Jesus’ Temptation

Lesson Plan 10:
Jesus’ Baptism

Lesson Plan 9:
The Beginning of the Ministry of John