Tankersley Family – Kenyan Ministries

Our congregation is helping to support the O’Neal Tankersley family. The Tankersley are part of The East African Mission and have established strong mission work in Kenya.

Malcolm Parsley in Korea

Malcolm Parsley has been preaching in South Korea for many years. Our congregation has been helping to support his efforts. Malcolm is looking for help to move into North Korea when the government allows it. Find out more at http://theChurch.kr or http://christ.or.kr

For the English users, at the left side of the screen, above the Facebook icon, we have prepared the icon saying “ko,” which can be turned into “en” by clicking and
selecting. Please understand this is not a perfect bilingual system, because (1) the website development tool is Korean-based, and (2) we have limited time to run the Korean and English sites separately.

Apologetics Press

For more than 30 years Apologetics Press has published and disseminated materials for self-study, group study, or evangelistic purposes. Topics range from evidence supporting the Christian Faith to highly controversial areas that challenge that Faith. Find out more at their website.