2022 Pulpit Sermons
08-7-2022 AM | The Religious Gates
07-31-2022 AM | Ask, Seek, Knock
07-24-2022 AM | Singing in Our Worship
07-17-2022 AM | Offering in Our Worship
7-10-22 AM | The Lord’s Supper in Our Worship
7-03-22 AM | Prayer in Our Worship
6-26-22 AM | Preaching in Our Worship
6-12-22 AM | Do Not Juge!
6-05-22 AM | The New and the Old
5-29-22 AM | Taking the First Step
5-22-22 AM | Winning the War Over Worry
5-15-22 AM | What’s First
5-08-22 AM | Judges
5-01-22 AM | How Religious Do You Look
4-24-22 AM | How to Pray
4-17-22 AM | The Importance of The Resurrection
4-10-22 AM | Practicing your Righteousness
4-03-22 AM |Love Your Enemies
3-27-22 AM |And Then Some
3-20-22 AM |Eye for an Eye or Turn the Other Cheek
3-12-22 AM |Swearing by an Oath
3-06-22 AM |Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
2-27-22 AM |Sin of the Heart (Lust)
2-20-22 AM |Sin and Forgiveness Begin with the Heart
2-13-22 AM | Love Extremes
2-06-22 AM | Matthew 5:17-20
1-30-22 AM | Salt and Light
1-23-22 AM | Persecuted for Christ
1-16-22 AM | Peacemaker
1-09-22 AM | Pure in Heart
1-02-22 AM | Starting New